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2021: Starting Anew


Last year was hard, and we want to acknowledge the lives lost and daunting challenges faced by individuals and businesses in Sherman and across our nation. In our town, we have missed the connections that would typically weave our community together. We know that the months ahead may be equally difficult.

Even so, we are facing a new year with determination and hope. Our resilient arts and culture groups will continue to reach audiences in new ways. It's easier than ever to connect: Watch local theater via a streaming performance by the Sherman Community Players; check out great classical music in a virtual concert by members of the Sherman Symphony Orchestra; view a virtual exhibit at The Sherman Museum. The Sherman Public Library offers virtual storytimes, digital access to magazines, e-books and audio, and more.

Our downtown businesses and restaurants have their doors open. You're invited in - and a great opportunity to see what they offer is coming on Saturday, February 13, during Sherman's annual Main Street Mardi Gras events. Social distancing and masks are required - and so is the fun that comes with strolling through downtown to shop and eat! The Sherman Cultural District is excited to sponsor its 3rd Annual Winter Tour for the occasion, with local artists featured in a limited number of businesses. Due to Covid concerns, there is no Art Dash in 2021, but we look forward to its return in '22. In the meantime, original works will be for sale during the Art Tour.

Inspiring ideas shared from the City of Fort Worth public art program.

Also happening in February: the public rollout of Sherman's vision for public art. You can already view the master plan on our Cultural District website. Implementing the vision presented in this document will take time and patience, but it will definitely put the exclamation point on everyone's visit to Downtown Sherman! Check it out. You'll be inspired. Here’s to a 2021 that brings some good news to everyone along the way. We are in the journey together.

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